The Mommy Raketera’s First Calligraphy Session

I have set two personal goals for this year: (1) to launch my blogsite and (2) learn calligraphy. Looks like I’m being favoured by the universe because I’ve got them both! Haha!

Eversince I was young, my love for handwriting has never faded! I would remember back then that I would always make sure I have the best handwriting in my class by re-writing all my notes over and over again! I also had the chance to represent my school to compete on regional divisions for lettering. Naks! I’m pretty sure you’re all convinced na!

And so, when I saw Zposts Manila‘s invite for FREE Calligraphy session, I immediately signed up and hoped to be chosen. As I’ve said a while ago, I have the crown of favor! I was one among the luckily chosen  and got so excited! I told my fellow mommy bloggers that was a “pangarap level”! Hahaha!

Since I’m superb excited, I was the very first one to arrive at The Crafters Marketplace located at Rustan’s Grocery Shangri-La Mall! There I met Ms. Bangs Zaldivar who’s stunning in her refreshing yellow dress!

After all the sessionistas were completed and we were welcomed by Ms. Bangs of ZpostsManila and Ms. Alma of The Crafters Marketplace.

The workshop was facilitated by Ms. Larriza Castro @art.ticulate.

By the way, here’s my mommy blogger sissy – Mhaan! All smiles before the workshop begin!

Getting ready to open my callgraphy module! Can’t contain my excitement! Hahaha!

Now, let the fun begin! Starting off with the basic drills.. Up, down, circles and lines.. Ooooops, I’m getting serious! 🙂

Here’s my finale masterpiece! Take note, there are no lines to follow! 🙂

Really had an overwhelming experince on this calligraphy workshop! I’m soooooo much inlove with everything we did! Although I’m pretty sure our hands got tired but all worth it! 🙂
The Crafters and Scrappers team had gifts for all of us together with our names on it beautifully created by Ms. Larriza thru brush pen calligraphy! I think that will be my next goal!

Again, thank you very much to everyone behind this successful calligraphy session!

Hey guys, visit The Crafters Market Place because they’ve got so many artsy-crafty workshops that you can choose and enjoy!

It’s never too late to learn new things in this life!

That’s all for now!

See you again on my next blog!


Jing, The Mommy Raketera