HAIRPOST by Nikki Bacay Opens at Greenhills

I am always thrilled whenever I get invitations associated to beauty. It’s fun being a modern woman and be updated with the latest trends. Another salon   was launched few weeks ago and the person behind the brand is not just a typical hairstylist.

Nikki Bacay has been in the hairstyling industry for almost two decades. In 2000, he went to Hongkong and trained how to cut and color through Pivot Point Training Center. By 2001, he was already reaping awards for his cutting and coloring techniques which include The L’oreal Color Trophy and the Philippine Hairdresser of the Year. In 2008, German salon brand Schwarzkopf Professional chose Nikki to become their ambassador.

Nikki is loved by his loyal professional clients around Greenhills area because of his beautiful and wearable hair creations. Using high-end products, Nikki can transform a dull look to a modern wearable style. He believes that hair cutting goues hand inhand with contour coloring. A technique where he analyzes the face shape first before he cuts and colors.

With his dear friend Malou Gumapac, Nikki is expanding his market through their new salon HAIRPOST. He promises to give clients a “hair-experience” they will never forget and will keep coming back for. He also ensures that despiote their world-class services, prices are competitive and will not break pockets.

See highlights of the events during the opening of HAIRPOST:

Nikki Bacay hair masterpieces were showcased during the event.


With this, I am very excited for Nikki Bacay’s professional touch! Can’t wait to see how he’ll transform my hairstyle!

Keep you posted on my upcoming HAIRPOST experience!

For more details about Nikki and HAIRPOST Salon, visit their Facebook Page.



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