How do you start your day Modern Mommies?
I just want to share what I had today. Came home at 3am from work due to editing of an upcoming tv show. Was looking forward to that much needed sleep but sad to say, as early as 6am I’m already awake. When the clock striked at 6, the mommy routine started. Prepared my eldest for exams, helped the daughter to print her homework, checked their baon and other things for school. As soon as they left home, I assumed that I can finally go to bed..But no! Home errands came in full blast! And so on and on until the kids are back from school. Whew!
Would you believe, as I was writing this article around 10pm, my daughter is still here at my side asking for stories because she can’t still sleep..
So that’s it! I am very sure most of the moms can relate to this kind of scenario at home. But don’t get me wrong, being a mom is the most precious and important job I love to do… We, moms are the best when it comes in multi-tasking! Yes!
I agree on what Ms. Kristel Urbanski, founder of Glebe House Manila mentioned during the Cecon SuperMoms event there’s indeed SuperMom powers in each of us, mommies! And that’s what we do everyday! Wooohooo!
I certainly agree on that because during those busy days of working in TV, juggling almost 5 shows, those busy-ness refrain me from having quality time not only for myself but most especially for my kids. There were moments I felt extremely exhausted that I quickly snapped and get hot-tempered even with the smallest things! Mind you, the kids were not spared from those incidents!
As what Ms. Kristle mentioned, the SuperMoms need some “me-time”, we need a break to get recharged and full again! And that’s true! I feel relieved even just having a quick break by listening to the music. The mood starts to get better again even after a very quick nap at home when I don’t have tapings. I can think clearer and react more calm. Haha!
Oh and to keep us more active during the event, Ms. Kat Maderazo of Bento by Kat demonstrated how to do Bento Baon ideas for kids. And it was really fun! Sometimes, Bunichi requests for baon and this one I can certainly apply to make cute designs for her..
What I realized after the event? Yes, a modern career-woman like me needs to juggle and balance work with motherhood. It’s not that easy and there maybe times when stress takes a toll on me I end up being sick. I need to take care of myself in order to make everything work! I need an armor of protection for my immune system.
Thank you Cecon for reminding us what we need to keep going!
A healthy mommy makes the kids healthy and happy!